surrounded by clouds

On searching for ideas

You know you’re in trouble when it’s only the third day of the month of daily blogging and your mind is already empty of ideas.

I’m going to have enough troubles with this month anyway (since I’ll be away from home – and away from internet or one single bar of phone signal – for two whole weekends) so I’d definitely appreciate some ideas.

Please leave a comment with an idea or two to help me out.

In the meantime, it occurs to me that I have failed to share a little item of fairly recent news, namely, I moved house again.

If you follow me on Twitter (and you really should you know, Twitter is where it’s at) then you’ll know this fact already, since I moaned about it there, but this move was 19th in my life.

And I surely do hate it.

Hate packing. Hate unpacking. Hate carrying heavy things.

But very grateful to dear Papa who came to help, carried the heaviest things, and was inordinately patient with my poor spatial skills and lack of coordination when we had to carry a bookshelf up a steep and windy flight of stairs.

The reason that I had to move was because my sweet flatmate, SJ, got married, and since they didn’t exactly hang around with regards to planning their wedding (10 weeks from proposal to vows) I didn’t have long to find somewhere else to live, and actually didn’t move out until exactly week before the wedding.

So, I have moved from Heaton to Gosforth. Benefits so far include two lovely flatmates, cheaper rent, a slightly longer walk to church but a much, much quicker commute into town, because I am now a Metro girl.

Joy & rapture.

I love underground trains – if a city has an underground train system then it’s already winning as far as I’m concerned. I consider it to be the proper marker of a real city, and it makes travelling around so quick and easy.

I have travelled on the underground trains of 8 different cities (favourite – London Underground; least favourite – Paris Metro) but was unable to use the Newcastle one regularly because my last house was a fifteen minute walk from the station, which is the same amount of time that the bus took to get from my house to town. However, I now live less than 5 minutes walk from the station, and after five minutes on the train I’m right in the centre of town. Magical.

Now, in the interests of accurate reporting, I should inform you that not all of the Tyne & Wear Metro runs underground. But some of it does, and it’s still fast, and quite convenient. And it even had a musical made about it to celebrate its 30th birthday last year).

Enjoy. Or laugh. Or run screaming. Whichever reaction you think is most appropriate.

In summary: I just blogged about trains. If you don’t want this to happen again, send me ideas.


This entry was published on November 3, 2011 at 8:16 pm. It’s filed under Randomness and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

2 thoughts on “On searching for ideas

  1. fiona lynne on said:

    a) But do you not love the part of moving which means getting to decorate a whole new space?! (if you say no, I will volunteer to come decorate for you…)
    b) I have a theory that metros run on the energy that they suck from their passengers. I hate them.
    c) This will sound geeky, but I actually have a document on my desktop for blog ideas, so that if I get five in one day and then none for a week, I still have enough content that I don’t start to get angry emails from my mum…

  2. Blog ideas –
    -Best coffee places where you live/ your favourite coffee and why and what does that say about you
    – Best book you have read recently
    – A day in the life of a metro girl
    – Tell us what you see on the way to work, who do you meet, do you see anything funny.
    – Recipes for winter
    – Your views on Art
    – Are you an introvert or an extrovert and how that effects your ministry
    – the funniest things students have said to you

    They are some things to think about. Hopefully that is helpful :)!

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